No Radio Flood / Block Radio / No Radio Spam amxx

Author- Startsailor


With this plugin, the people can't annoy with radio messages every two seconds


nrf_block_fith (0|1) Blocks 'Fire In The Hole' Sound, Default 1
nrf_time (Time in seconds 0 - Disabled) Time which people will have to wait to send another message radio, Default 5 seconds

Not Compatible with-

Custom Radio Commands
Teamplay Helper v1.2

Hostage protection amxx

Author: Hamlet eagle

Hostage Protection 1.8
Release: 27.06.2014 | Last Update: 20.02.2015


This plugin has a simple purpose, to stop players from killing hostages. It will work only in hostage maps. You can set punishments ( with cvars ) for players that kill hostages. It will also block any damage on a hostage, this mean he won't die but you will think more next time when you want to kill one.

pause plugin when you don't run a hostage map
block damage, not just punish the player
more cvars to customize it
you can punish a player in many ways, you decide how

This cvars allow you to turn on/off most of the features and to control the way in which the plugin works.

Allow you to decide in which way a player will be punished.
To enabled damage on hostages you have to disable this plugin, read the cvar above.
0 - just block damage | 1 - slap with x damage | 2 - slay | 3 - ban | 4 - random stuffs

Random stuffs: he lose 50% of his health/money or he lose all weapons.

hp_slap_value | hp_ban_time:
You can decide slap value/ban time
Slap: If it's 100 player will die | If it's 0 it will have no effect
Ban:Time that a player remain banned | 0 mean permanent

Determines if the blood will be show when attacking a hostage.
1 - show blood | 0 don't show blood.

Knife bonus frag w/ Money amxx

Author- Rul4

This is an extremely simple plugin that awards 2 frags instead of 1 when you humiliate someone with the knife.
It also gives a random amount of the victims money to the killer (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%).


kdf_enabled: enable or disable de plugin (default = 1)
kdf_sounds: if it should play the "humiliation" sound (default = 1)
kdf_frags: how many additional frags are awarded for the killing (default = 1)
kdf_stealmoney: if the killer gets a random part of the victim's money (default = 1)

AMX Super / Amx super menu

                               AMX SUPER 5.0.2

This is a all-in-one plugin for cs1.6. This plugins can be used for fun purpose & can be very helpfull in specific mods such a jail break, zombie plague,etc. With this plugin you can do anything! This plugins has options such as flash bang, disarm, revive, rocket, gag & much more.


H3avy Rain

Version: v5.0.2

Parachute Amxx w/ New Models

AMX Parachute
Version: 0.2.2
Author: KRoTaL

say buy_parachute   - buys a parachute
amx_parachute <name>|@all   - gives a player a free parachute

Press +use to slow down your fall.

sv_parachute "1"     -  0: disables the plugin
                                   1: enables the plugin
parachute_cost "1000"    - cost of the parachute
admin_parachute "0"  -   0: admins with level A won't get a free parachute
                                      1: admins with level A get a free parachute
parachute_payback "75"   -    the amount you get back of the parachute in %(75/100*1000) = 750
para_free "0" - 0: no free parachute
                        1: free parachute for everyone


 Parachute v1: (Click on Image to download)

Put the parachute.mdl file in the cstrike/models folder

 Parachute v2: (Click on Image to download)

Put the parachute.mdl file in the cstrike/models folder

 Parachute v3: (Click on Image to download)

Put the parachute.mdl file in the cstrike/models folder

Zombie Wings: (Click on Image to download)

Put the parachute.mdl file in the cstrike/models folder

Ghost Chat by NetRipper


Ported by Velocity36

Plugin to let dead people read what alive people say
or to let dead and alive people chat with eachother.
You can also make only HLTV read chat of the living.
Plugin can be disabled from any console by an admin.

amx_ghostchat 0 // Plugin disabled
amx_ghostchat 1 // Dead can read living
amx_ghostchat 2 // Dead and living read eachother
amx_ghostchat 3 // Only HLTV can read the living

How to Protect your Server from Steam ID Changer?

1. Open dproto.cfg and search steamidhashsalt

2. Put steamidhashsalt [if hacker set the steam id then it will change steam id].
(Salt string for SteamIDs hashing. Irreversibly changes Steam IDs. Applies only to Steam IDs generated by Emulators. It should be more than 16 chars length. If string is empty, hashing is not applied.)

Ex :

SteamIDHashSalt = avbd26ja22gra1ma

How to make Custom Sprays in CS1.6!

See other people using custom spray and you want to do it too?

How to make Custom Sprays in CS1.6?

1. Get yourself an Image which you want as a spray! (image must be of .bmp extension)
2. Download HL Tag converter.
3. Open it & Load your Image!

4. Click on Adjust Tag, then click on Apply changes & convert to 256 colors.

5. Click on Save Tag, Choose export to .wad & save it as tempdecal.wad

6. Right Click on tempdecal.wad & tick Read-only
7. Copy tempdecal.wad & paste it into 


When in-game Press [T] to spray on solid object

How to Protect your Config.cfg!

Many Servers now a days have redirect plugins which redirects you to another server when you open game or have CS destroy Plugin which completely messes your game.



1. Go to your game directory

2. Find your config.cfg , autoexec.cfg & other cfgs if present.

3. Right click on Config.cfg & go to properties.

4. Tick the option Read-Only!

BaseBuilder v8.2 by GaBy

This is similar to Base Builder 6.4 but have many new updates and zombie classes.

Base plugin
New rank mode
Adds fog on the server ( u can see through it )
Zombie class menu
Shop menu
Unstuck plugin
Human class
Knife menu

Normal zombie class
Alien zombie class
Diablo zombie class
Threads zombie class
Ultimate zombie class
Destroyer zombie class