Build Dispenser with /destroy command! (by FlamE~)

say /destroy to destroy the dispenser!


- dispenser_enabled - 1 [on] / 0 [off]
- dispenser_cost - 1500 [$ cash cost]
- dispenser_health - 900 [dispenser health value]
- dispenser_buildtime - 5 [build time in seconds]
- dispenser_radius - 300 [distance from dispenser and you, to take effect]
- dispenser_spin - 1 [if enabled dispencer will spin in circle] / 0 [off]
- dispenser_playermax_health - 100 [if you have health under this cvar value, dispenser will heal you up]
- dispenser_playermax_armor - 100 [same as previous cvar, but will affect armor value]


- fakemeta
- hamsandwich
- engine
- fun
- cstrike

Fake Detector v 2.1.3 [6.11.2015] [HLDS Buffer Overload v4 Fix]

Metamod plugin to stop/detect fake players using bot spam !

bantime     = 0.0 // 0.0 = kick, >0 = ban time in minutes
banreason   = Fake client // ban reason
onlylog     = 0 // only log detects without kick/ban
fix_bo3_new = 1 // enable full fix of buffer overload v4 (patched v3)

Files :

fakedetector_mm.dll (for windows) (for linux)

Installation :


Add the fullupd_patch.dll file  to metamod\dlls folder .
Then write this in Plugin.ini  "win32 addons\metamod\fullupd_patch.dll"  (withour quotes).
Save and restart server.


Add the file  to metamod\dlls folder.
Then write this in Plugin.ini  "linux addons\metamodld\"  (withour quotes).
Save and restart server

localizebugfix 2.3.7 ( Block # in chat and nick ) | #Cstrike_GIGN_Label #Cstrike_GIGN FIX

Metamod plugin to block #Cstrike_GIGN_Label #Cstrike_GIGN_Label script used for crashing server and causing reliable channel overflow . It is a bug caused by plugins using color modules. This module will block users with # in nick and blocks them from using # in chat .

Protection level : 8/10

Installation :

Add the localizebugfix.dll file  to metamod\dlls folder .
Then write this in Plugin.ini  "win32 addons\metamod\localizebugfix.dll"  (without quotes).
Save and restart server.

Add the file  to metamod\dlls folder.
Then write this in Plugin.ini  "linux addons\metamodld\"  (without quotes).
Save and restart server.

Ignoring Invalid Custom Decal Crash (FIX)

This meta mod plugin is the only fix for the new exploit released on 17th , causing hlds crash of servers supporting dproto ...

Installation :

upload the .dll file in /cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls

Open and edit plugins.ini from /cstrike/addons/metamod

and add this in a new line :

win32 addons\metamod\dlls\filename.dll   (change filename as per the fix option u choose)

You will Need Dproto v0.9.497 or higher.
Restart your server to load the metamod plugin.
.dll is for windows servers, .so file is for linux servers

Jailbreak ExD Extra Plugins


This plugin is an extension for Jail Break ExD v19. It will block / slay / kick players who will use No fog command (i.e disabling fog from client side)

// Action to be taken if player is found to be using the No-Fog command
jbed_antinofog_action "2"

// Default - 2
// 0 - Disable plugin
// 1 - Block
// 2 - Slay
// 3 - Kick

This plugin can't block the command but it will reset it after the dectection.


These plugin allows you to re-enable admin power to give / take coins from player in Jail-Brea ExD v19.


jbed_give_coins_ex <name or #userid> <amount> -> gives specified player coins
jbed_take_coins_ex <name or #userid> <amount> -> takes specified player coins

Note:- These plugins must be mentioned after jbed_main.amxx in plugins.ini.


These plugins shows connection message with player coins, name and plays a beep sound :) .


The plugin will drop a coin on player's death (above dead body), which can be picked up  by any alive player.

Added a limit to cvar jbed_dropcoins in jbed_dropcoins _limited.amxx .  jbed_dropcoins will be clamped between 0 and 100.

Note:You can still use jbed_dropcoins.amxx which has no limit.


// Number of coins player will get after picking up a single coin.
// Set this to 0 to disable the plugin.
jbed_dropcoins "50"

// Highlight / Glow around the coin
jbed_dropcoins_highlight "1"

Jailbreak Extended (ExD) v19.0

WARNING: This Plugin has SlowHack. I'll tell you how to fix it.


jbed_simonsteps 1
jbed_autogivecrowbar 0
jbed_maxcrowbar 3
jbed_teamratio 3
jbed_doorattack 1
jbed_teamchange 0
jbed_boxmax 6
jbed_showspraydist 1
jbed_retrytime 15.0
jbed_freedayround 240.0
jbed_autolastrequest 1
jbed_lastrequest 1
jbed_blockmotd 0
jbed_shownamechange 0
jbed_spectrounds 4
jbed_randomsimon 0
jbed_blockvoice 2
jbed_blockvoicedays 0
jbed_buttonshoot 1
jbed_enable_days 1
jbed_daysmenu_limit 3
jbed_voteday 1

jbed_shop 1
jbed_maxbetamount 500
jbed_start_coins 400
jbed_points_kill 50
jbed_points_teamkill 35
jbed_maxbettime 15.0

jbed_shop_nadeprice 250
jbed_shop_flnadeprice 350
jbed_shop_frostprice 450
jbed_shop_healthprice 550
jbed_shop_nadepackprice 700
jbed_shop_gambleprice 850
jbed_shop_crowbarprice 950
jbed_shop_fastspeedprice 1150
jbed_shop_earthquakeprice 1350
jbed_shop_keysprice 1500
jbed_shop_invisibleprice 1700
jbed_shop_camoprice 1850
jbed_shop_gunpackprice 2000

jbed_Knifeshop_jackalblade 5000
jbed_Knifeshop_frost 15000
jbed_Knifeshop_machete 25000
jbed_Knifeshop_hammer 35000
jbed_Knifeshop_dualkatana 45000
jbed_Knifeshop_gromhammer 55000

jbed_shove_force 40
jbed_shove_cooldown 5

jbed_sleepmaxhp 130

1. Extract the content of zip file in gamedir/cstrike/
2. Add these lines at the end of plugins.ini in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/config/
    jbexd_top.amxx (requiresSQL)
3. Restart the Server.

1. Open users.ini
2. A steamID will automatically be added at the end i.e "STEAM_0:0:26442887"
3. Just put a Semi-Colon (;) before the steamID
i.e ;"STEAM_0:0:26442887"
4. Restart the Server.

Shove Mod for CS1.6 with Enable / Disable Commands

Shove Mod - Push a player away from you.

say /shove - enables shove.
say /dontshove - disables shove.

shove_force 7
shove_cooldown 10
shove_allow_inuse 1

What the cvars do:
shove_force - How strong the force for shoving is.
shove_cooldown - How long you must wait in order to shove.
shove_allow_inuse - Is the user allowed to press the "e" (Default: +use) key


This should work for all games too.


AntiFlood Name Change Spam Protection for Cs1.6

It defines a new cvar: amx_nameflood_time, default at 10.0 seconds.
If you try to change your name more often, you just can't and no spam whatsoever should be printed anywhere but on the namespamming client.
Just set cvar to to maybe 600 seconds or whatever you like. No need to change your name more often than that huh?

More cvars (new since 050110):

"amx_nameflood_maxwarnings" (default 0)
Set this to the amount of warnings that should be sent to an offender before he will be kickbanned. If this is 0 the kickban feature is completely disabled.
Ie set this to 5, and the fifth time an offender receives the "Stop flooding the server!" msg he will also get kickbanned.

"amx_nameflood_banminutes" (default 0)
This is the amount of minutes a name flooder should be banned for. 0 is permanent ban.
"amx_nameflood_useamxbans" (default 0)
Set to 1 to ban using "AMXBans", a Plugin by YoMama.
Plugin Link : or
This bans currently with the following form in server console:
amx_ban <minutes> <steamid> "Name change flooding"

Note : You Need to Compile this plugin into .amxx extension
Compile it HERE


CS 1.6 WallHack Blocker v1.5.518 by S1lent [Metamod]

Author : s1lent
Version : 1.5.518
Description : Blocks Wallhack similar coordinate OpenGL32 and sound ESP cheats.

Advantages lock ESP :

- Do not need any emulation steps, sounds and firing.

Installation :

- Extract all the files from the archive config config.ini should be located near the meta plugin whblocker.dll |
at / GAME_DIR / addons / whblocker /

- Open /addons/metamod/plugins.ini and prescribes meta plugin.

Linux :

linux addons / whblocker /

Windows :

win32 addons \ whblocker \ whblocker.dll

Note :

- After downloading the meta plugin, restart is required to make or change a card.

- If you have been loaded meta plugin, and you have uploaded to update, then re-boot is not required meta plugin to load itself after changing the card or restart.

- WHBlocker doesnt block Wallhack from dead players and has no effect on blocking bots.

- If there is a module amxx orpheu version 2.4 and above, unload the meta plugin you do not get.


# Debug 0 | 3 - debug level (the higher level the more messages you get)
# Esp 0 | 1 - block sound-based cheats (aka ESP)
# Smooth 1 | 10 - stop blocking players behind edges in advance of actual appearance
# Smoothout 0 | 10 - delay blocking players behind edges after actual disappearance
# Smoothent 1 | ~ - delay blocking entities of the list "[Block Entities]" after actual appearance
# Decalfix 0 | 1 - display shoot decals fix (when enabled some aimbots do not work properly too)
# Antinoflash 0 | 1 - block players and entities during full flash
# Team 0 | 1 - teammates block
# Fov 0 | 1 - check player view angles (it increases performance)
# Solid 0 | 20 - how many transparent objects could be passed during visibility check
# Bot 0 | 1 - proper bot processing, must be enabled only for servers with in-game bots
# Barrel 0 | 1 - additional check for gun barrel visibility
# Blockent 0 | 1 - block entities of the list "[Block Entities]"
# Hlfix 0 | 1 - fix some problems with gauss & egon Half-Life weapons


# 0 - No | 1 - Yes
# Debug 0 | 3 level debug.
# Esp 0 | 1 Locking ESP.
# Smooth 1 | 10 Smooth the appearance of the player.
# Smoothout 0 | 10 Smooth disappearance player.
# Smoothent 1 | ~ Delay disappearance entitey "Block Entities".
# Decalfix 0 | 1 Fix a bug when displaying decals shots weapons, as the fixed blocks a small part aimbot.
# Antinoflash 0 | 1 Block players with full blindness.
# Team 0 | 1 Block players of his team.
# Fov 0 | 1 Check the viewing angle (Productivity)
# Solid 0 | 20 After several transparent objects will be visible to the player or entiti.
# Bot 0 | 1 Support BOT-Players.
# Barrel 0 | 1 Check visibility trunk player (Additional checks).
# Blockent 0 | 1 Block entitey "Block Entities".
# Hlfix 0 | 1 For HL: Fix the laser at the Gauss weapons and ignore the Event for Gauss and Egon. (For cs16, czero: SETTING off automatically - 0)
# Metacall 0 | 1 causes metamod function pfnAddToFullPack, even if the player is not visible.
# Blocktype 0 | 1 Block Wallhack. (0 - For all | 1 - only living)
# Sndbuf 0 | 1 sends all the sounds from the player on unreliable channel


Supported games :

- Counter-Strike 1.6
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Half-Life

Supported versions HLDS :

- Windows 5758, 6027, 6132, 6153
- Linux 5787, 6027, 6132, 6153

Question : WHBlocker not block, I checked a bunch of cheats and still does not block the way it should be?
Answer: WHBlocker not block when you are dead, and does not block CORPSES players. However, starting with version 1.5.518, it is possible to block for dead players in the (1st) the first person.

Question : Guys, how to optimally configure the config?
Answer: Config standard is already set up for smaller loads.


Zmurka Mod v4.7

Zmurka Mod v4.7

This is different Zmurka mode that can be said that the special mode Zmurka in the world. This is the mode where Terrorists need to hide around the map, and Counter Terrorists to kill them. In this mode, unlike the other has a lot of things such as Shop, Levels and successfully hide, various Cvar, counter killing ... All you can read below.

Warning: Read the part of the installation! It is not at all easy. You must configure the server to work so you do not baguje general.

say / Zmurka - Get in Zmurka Spec Mod
say / zmurkatop15 - Opens Zmurka Top15 Statistics
say / zmurkarank - Shows you Zmurka Rank
say / shop - opens Zmurka Shop for terror
say / info - Opens Perhaps the info mode
say / sound - Waste / Hitchhiking music

Zmurka Spec mode is a mode of clarity that Terrorists (hide and seek) to be used while hidden to view the environment. The body of hide and seek remains in place but using the command free look can view the entire map and see where Counter Terrorists.

The mode is infiltrated special rank and top15 statistics. When a player punched /zmurkarank will present the number of times he successfully hid and how he killed searchers. When a player punched /zmurkatop15 participate His special top15 list which is sorted according to who has the most of success in hiding. So that players can and what to hide.

Zmurka Bank
You can now save your money in the bank by using the following commands :-

say /bank - Opens Bank's Main Menu
say /loan - Opens Bank's Loan A/C Menu
say /savings - Opens Your Savings A/C

If you don't payback your loan then you will get different punishments

New Update Includes(v4.7) :-
Bank System &
Some new Death Effects.


Night Crawler ExD v5.5

Night Crawler is a modification which turns Counter-Strike 1.6 into a Humans VS Night Crawlers survival experience. Both have special abilities to help them win. For example humans get a green laser which turns red when you aim at a night crawler, and night crawlers can can climb walls by pressing E aka the use button.
Basic idea:

Terrorist (NightCrawler)

Perks for terrorist:
**Invisible (Unless you shoot him, his model shows up. Stop shooting it disappears)
**Silent Walk/No Fall Damage
**Gets only a knife, has to kill CT's
**Can climb walls by crouching against them
**Receives teleports (By pressing f key )

Perks for counter-terrorist:
**Get to choose one item from a list of things such as : M4a1, AK-47, P-90 etc.
@Latest HLDS Version
@Orphue 2.5.1