No Radio Flood / Block Radio / No Radio Spam amxx

Author- Startsailor


With this plugin, the people can't annoy with radio messages every two seconds


nrf_block_fith (0|1) Blocks 'Fire In The Hole' Sound, Default 1
nrf_time (Time in seconds 0 - Disabled) Time which people will have to wait to send another message radio, Default 5 seconds

Not Compatible with-

Custom Radio Commands
Teamplay Helper v1.2

Hostage protection amxx

Author: Hamlet eagle

Hostage Protection 1.8
Release: 27.06.2014 | Last Update: 20.02.2015


This plugin has a simple purpose, to stop players from killing hostages. It will work only in hostage maps. You can set punishments ( with cvars ) for players that kill hostages. It will also block any damage on a hostage, this mean he won't die but you will think more next time when you want to kill one.

pause plugin when you don't run a hostage map
block damage, not just punish the player
more cvars to customize it
you can punish a player in many ways, you decide how

This cvars allow you to turn on/off most of the features and to control the way in which the plugin works.

Allow you to decide in which way a player will be punished.
To enabled damage on hostages you have to disable this plugin, read the cvar above.
0 - just block damage | 1 - slap with x damage | 2 - slay | 3 - ban | 4 - random stuffs

Random stuffs: he lose 50% of his health/money or he lose all weapons.

hp_slap_value | hp_ban_time:
You can decide slap value/ban time
Slap: If it's 100 player will die | If it's 0 it will have no effect
Ban:Time that a player remain banned | 0 mean permanent

Determines if the blood will be show when attacking a hostage.
1 - show blood | 0 don't show blood.

Knife bonus frag w/ Money amxx

Author- Rul4

This is an extremely simple plugin that awards 2 frags instead of 1 when you humiliate someone with the knife.
It also gives a random amount of the victims money to the killer (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%).


kdf_enabled: enable or disable de plugin (default = 1)
kdf_sounds: if it should play the "humiliation" sound (default = 1)
kdf_frags: how many additional frags are awarded for the killing (default = 1)
kdf_stealmoney: if the killer gets a random part of the victim's money (default = 1)